The Mumbai police security have launched an awareness campaign called ‘JAGRUT MUMBAIKAR’ for making the public alert about certain aspects of safety and security A guest lecture by the team of MUMBAI POLICE SECURITY BRANCH on Citizen Awareness Program was arranged for B.Ed students at Guru Nanak College of Education and Research, on 17th November 2017. The session was initiated by Mr. Raorane, who spoke about how and why the security team was formed and their aim behind the ‘Jagrut Mumbaikar’. He re-accounted the incident of 26/11 attack, which took place as all were so engrossed in daily life and one forgets to look around us. The repercussion of the attack made the Mumbai Police foresee and form this team to make the Mumbaikars aware of their own security.
The speaker gave the students an insight about outdoor security, how to help one- self as well as others. There were pointers as to how to react when different critical situations occur suddenly. The speaker made the audience aware of the fact that females have two weapons: their voice and sixth sense, which have to be used potentially in dire situations. Mr. Raorane narrated one of his real life experiences while solving a crime case, when he was associated with the Crime branch. It made the audience aware of how hard police works for the betterment of the city

Another team member, Mr. Khairnar briefed the students on the technicalities and mechanics of bombs and after effects of a bomb blast, like a bomb blast fire spreads at a speed of 8000m/s. He told the students about the types of weapons used by our Mumbai Police. In all the session was very inspirational. The lectures upgraded the students’ knowledge and awareness on how to deal with real life terror situations.